Our Story

Our Story

I haven’t really told people how The Mustard Seed came to be. For years I always wanted to own a store but the timing was never right. I had talked to mu husband Bryan about it in early 2022, but the economy and the state of world going crazy gave me reservations and I decided to once again put it off. Fear of failure I guess. I decided to pray for direction and for months I prayed about it. I prayed God’s will over it and for some sort of sign that I would know. Now I never told anyone else about this. I kept this dream hidden. 
Then one day out of the blue my mom’s pastor sent me a message here on fb. Now at the time he sent this, I didn’t know him that well and only met him a handful of times, but this is the message he sent me: 
Hey, Jennifer!  This is Allen.  I was praying this morning, and I believe the Lord brought you to my heart and mind.  I believe He says to you today:
Years ago, I placed a seed inside you.  That seed was a dream: a desire sparked in your heart.  Over the years, it has seemed to you that seed has just laid there, dormant.  But recently the seed has grown, and now the little plant is bursting forth… almost surprising you.  It’s as if you knew the desire was there, but it had gotten pushed down.
Soon this dream will bud and blossom.  If you nurture it— if you pursue it with your whole heart— it will produce fruit which will not only be for you, but for others.
Dream the dream again.  Believe it’s possible again.  Chase after it, for I have placed it— planted it— in your heart.  Do not let others keep you from it.  What others think or say about you or this dream are immaterial.  What I say— what I speak to the deepest parts of your soul— is what truly matters.  And I speak this dream— with all its possibilities— over you.
Now is the season for your dream because now is when you can make the greatest impact.  Do not give up on it, and let it wither and die.  Instead water it, feed it, prop it up, protect it from pests, and watch how I will cause it to grow into even more than you imagined.
Pursue the dream I placed in your heart years ago, and be all I have designed you to be for My glory and your good.
I hope that makes sense to you and resonates with what’s in your heart.  If not— or if you have questions about it— please feel free to let me know.  I believe God has a great plan for you, and I have prayed today for you to be able to go after all He has in store for you.
Have a great day!
P. S. — Thanks for all the help with Loaves & Fishes!  Huge blessing.  Luv it!
I got chills after reading it. I called Bryan and told him about it and immediately knew what the name should be. I would put all of my faith in Him and decided to just go for it. I decided to test the waters with an online store for a year. Then I started praying for the store front. Never in a million years did could I have imagined that at almost 44 my dream of owning a store would come true.  But God. This is all possible because of Him. 
I decided to finally share this so that others who may be struggling with a decision or going through something they aren’t sure how to fix or get out of. Hit your knees and pray. All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed to move that  mountain in front of you.
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